Sparkrock 365 Solution

ERP software for nonprofit organizations

Sparkrock helps nonprofit and charitable organizations achieve fiscal responsibility and accelerate their mission outcomes with Microsoft powered technology.

We understand that as a nonprofit, you need time to focus on the work that matters - being heroes to those you serve. That's why we developed Sparkrock 365, an ERP software for nonprofits designed to help you with finance, accounting, and HRP needs. Our best-in-class software solution is designed to empower your teams to maximize your mission impact.

Most ERP systems are built to address the needs of the for-profit sector. Not Sparkrock 365! With over 19 years of experience in this space, we understand that you need mission-critical software that is easy to use and integrate. With Sparkrock 365, you get a unified platform that is purpose-built for your sector and backed by a team of industry experts who care about the impact you're making.

Our all-in-one solution offers project and grant accounting, budget management, inventory management, employee scheduling, payroll administration, and more. 

Sparkrock 365's reporting tools and financial reports make it easy to create budgets, track expenses, and ensure funding allocation is aligned with your organization's goals. Our program management features enable you to manage multiple programs efficiently, while our general ledger functionality ensures regulatory compliance.

Whether you're a large organization seeking better visibility and operational efficiency or a smaller organization looking to increase efficiency and handle more projects, Sparkrock 365 is the right ERP system for you. Together, we can help you achieve more and make a greater impact on the world.

Sparkrock 365 Overview

Challenges you face

For nonprofits to continue meeting their ever-growing demands, they must demonstrate their effectiveness and provide stakeholders with complete access to information. To stay ahead in this rapidly evolving economy, you need practical solutions that overcome technology issues such as manual processes and outdated software.

Whether you're part of a large organization or a smaller nonprofit, you have unique needs when it comes to tracking spend and reporting across various programs. Let's chat about how your existing solution might be holding your business back:

  • Are you dealing with multiple systems and customizations that are expensive to maintain?
  • Do you lack visibility into how resources are allocated from donations and grants?
  • Is it hard to track and report funding and revenue sources, exposing you to fraud risk?
  • Are your reporting processes manual, labor-intensive, and restrictive?

These are constant, major setbacks on your path to growth and success. With Sparkrock 365 ERP software for nonprofits, we give you the tools and processes you need to streamline business operations and achieve your mission.

Sparkrock 365 software Features

Sparkrock 365 is an all-in-one solution that offers everything you need to manage budgets, streamline business processes, increase efficiency, and more:

  • Sparkrock 365 provides comprehensive and tailored reporting, perfect for grant management and fund accounting. You'll always know where your money is going and how it's being spent.
  • Our software provides real-time data access to allow your team to tackle daily tasks in finance, HR, payroll, and more with ease, as well as will have all the information required for the Board or other key stakeholders.
  • The advanced fund accounting capabilities of Sparkrock’s ERP system enable you to leverage the GL/Sub account structure to balance funds and maintain accounting integrity between defined dimensions.
  • Sparkrock 365 seamlessly integrates into the Microsoft Office 365 technology ecosystem, leveraging both the power and stability of Microsoft.
  • The platform’s Role Center is uniquely personalized for your responsibilities, ensuring better visibility and control over your projects.
  • Sparkrock 365 easily tracks compliance to absence plans and helps you better utilize your volunteers and staff.
  • With secure transactions on the Microsoft intelligent cloud, you'll meet all your security, compliance, and regulatory requirements and more.

And with additional features like procurement, project accounting, donor management, asset management, and cash flow forecasting, you'll have everything you need to manage your nonprofit effectively.

How Nonprofits can benefit from
ERP software

An integrated solution like Sparkrock 365 can help nonprofit organizations streamline their technology and reduce administrative spending. Our product benefits include:

  • Complete visibility across your organization with a single source of truth
  • Real-time data and insights improve instant knowledge-sharing and collaboration
  • Procurement bottle-necking becomes a thing of the past with automated approvals and workflows
  • Save human and budget resources - do away with paperwork and burdensome manual tasks.
  • Work from anywhere on any device - free up you and your team to achieve more with their day

Clients are ahead of the game with
software for nonprofit organization

We work with some of the most recognized heroes in the sector, such as Team Rubicon, Robin Hood Association, Right to Play, the Canadian Museum of History and more. Our core focus is customer success and ensuring that each organization we work with gets value from our product.

Let’s connect

Let's connect so our team can find out more about you and how our Enterprise Resource Planning software for nonprofits can help you accelerate your mission impact. Contact our team for a no-obligation meeting today.

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The Ultimate Guide to Sparkrock for Nonprofits.
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The Ultimate Guide to Sparkrock 365 for Human Service Organizations.

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How We Serve Our Customers

School ERP Software
Finance & Procurement
Reduce errors, duplication, and delays with an integrated system that seamlessly connects your organization’s finances. Automate tedious administrative tasks and mitigate financial risk.
An icon of a person standing behind two other people
Human Resources
Manage employee records, performance appraisals, benefits, training, and even collective agreements easier with our modern HR system. Add, modify, and approve job requisitions to streamline your hiring process.
A hand holding two coins
Ensure an accurate, streamlined payroll process that frees up time for your employees to focus on less mundane tasks. Maintain hassle-free payroll calculations or customize them to your unique needs.
A calendar with a clock icon
Scheduling & Time Entry
Increase transparency, automate workflows, and help your organization maintain oversight of labor costs. Our software makes scheduling more efficient with templates, auto-fill settings, and self-service capabilities.

You'll Be In Good Company

Your peers at other nonprofits are transforming their organizations with Sparkrock. Take a look at their success.
Canadian Museum of History reduces quarterly reporting workload from three staff and two days to one click and one minute with Sparkrock
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Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport reduces headcount and slashes accounting costs by $25,000 by integrating departments with Sparkrock 365.
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The Ultimate Guide to Sparkrock 365
software for nonprofit organization

If your Nonprofit Organization is typical, you use many applications for finance, human resources, scheduling, payroll, and reporting. This means you are continually concerned about the integrity and accuracy of your data. Errors are common. Bottlenecks are frequent.

Sparkrock 365 solves these challenges and much more.

At Sparkrock, we create and deploy the only cloud-based ERP software designed specifically for the needs of Nonprofit Organizations like yours.

Download Your Guide

Are you ready to spark change?

With Sparkrock 365, you'll have the tools to manage your finances and workforce more efficiently so you can focus on what you do best. Go from paper-based processes to intelligent online workflows, and access the data you need to make a real difference in your community.
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