Sparkrock 365 Solution

ERP Software purpose-built for Human Service organizations

Sparkrock helps organizations that provide disability care, mental health and children's services automate their time entry, reporting and employee scheduling.

Proudly Working with Human Service Organizations across North America.

Human Service organizations identify physical, mental, emotional, and organizational limitations and implement solutions that help individuals, families, and communities reach their full potential. But you can’t do that if the tools you use belong to another decade (or century).

At Sparkrock, we create and deploy specialized enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and software tailored to your industry's unique needs. Our SaaS solutions, specifically designed for managing Human Services Organizations, will help you streamline your business operations and make managerial tasks in your organization less stressful. Reporting? Stress-free. Multiple data entry time and risk? Eliminated. Administration required to run your organization? Minimized.

Our premier cloud-based ERP software, Sparkrock 365, integrates and automates finance, workforce management, payroll management, employee schedules and approvals, and more. More than just an ERP system, it’s a complete business management solution. And we're here to help your organization reach its peak efficiency and productivity.

One Cloud-based Solution For
Simplified Purchasing, Reporting,
Budgeting & Scheduling

Generate data insights and gain full visibility into your organization with one source of truth.
Share financial data and insights in real-time without generating time-consuming reports.
Eliminate bottlenecks in your procurement process and improve your budgetary controls.
Reduce administrative spend by eliminating burdensome paperwork and manual processes.

Sparkrock 365 Overview

In today's dynamic business environment, organizations need to streamline their operations for increased efficiency and productivity. One way to achieve this is through the use of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system like Sparkrock 365. Our ERP software is designed specifically for human services organizations, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for complete business management.

The Sparkrock 365 ERP solution integrates various business departments, providing a centralized database for employee data, financial data, and more. This simplifies the process of managing information across departments, allowing administrators and HR professionals to focus on other crucial aspects of management and operations.

Sparkrock 365:
Purpose-built ERP Software For Human Service Organizations

Common challenges in the human services industry include a lack of new technology and rampant financial issues. You need the proper tools and systems in place to help your employees, volunteers, and people who rely on your organization the most.

Streamline your human service organization’s processes with Sparkrock’s cloud-based ERP software solution designed with human services in mind. Our product integrates finance, workforce management, payroll, and employee scheduling tools in a single cloud-based application.

With Sparkrock 365, we provide human service organizations like yours with the following:

  • An intuitive, easy-to-use user interface similar to other Microsoft Office 365 products
  • A single source of truth with accurate and up-to-date information
  • Ability to easily create and modify shift schedules
  • Track and manage time entry without relying on spreadsheets
  • Integrated labor cost management capabilities

With its robust project management capabilities, our ERP software for human services allows your organization to actively track ongoing projects, simplify management and financial processes, and enhance the performance of employees, leading to organizational development and growth.

We work with Human Services Organizations across the United States and Canada, organizations that want to change the world, one individual at a time.

The Ultimate Guide to Sparkrock 365 for Human Service Organizations.

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How We Serve Our Customers

School ERP Software
Finance & Procurement
Reduce errors, duplication, and delays with an integrated system that seamlessly connects your organization’s finances. Automate tedious administrative tasks and mitigate financial risk.
An icon of a person standing behind two other people
Human Resources
Manage employee records, performance appraisals, benefits, training, and even collective agreements easier with our modern HR system. Add, modify, and approve job requisitions to streamline your hiring process.
A hand holding two coins
Ensure an accurate, streamlined payroll process that frees up time for your employees to focus on less mundane tasks. Maintain hassle-free payroll calculations or customize them to your unique needs.
A calendar with a clock icon
Scheduling & Time Entry
Increase transparency, automate workflows, and help your organization maintain oversight of labor costs. Our software makes scheduling more efficient with templates, auto-fill settings, and self-service capabilities.

Their Success Could be Yours

Whether your human services organization is small or large, Sparkrock’s ERP system can streamline your business operations, from inventory management to accounting. Its flexible design can easily adapt to the specific needs of your organization.

Take a look at the success that other organizations like yours have had with Sparkrock 365’s comprehensive ERP solution:

The Robin Hood Association successfully integrated four modules, streamlining their administrative and financial processes, linking Human Resources, Scheduling, Payroll, and Finance for efficient coordination, enabling transparent access to schedules and timesheets for staff and supervisors, and accommodating rapid organizational growth.

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New Directions achieved significant growth and efficiency improvements, streamlining their payment process for foster parents, reducing manual work from hours to seconds, and automating scheduling to prevent overtime costs, ultimately leading to increased organizational efficiency and growth.

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Whether you're handling recruitment processes for new employees, calculating salaries, or performing any number of tasks that require data-sharing across departments, Sparkrock 365 is an invaluable tool for simplifying the business processes of any human services organization by improving efficiency, increasing accuracy, and saving time and money.

The Ultimate Guide to Sparkrock 365 for Human Service Organizations.

If your human services organization is typical, you use many applications for finance, human resources, scheduling, payroll and reporting. This means you are continually concerned about the integrity and accuracy of your data. Errors are common. Bottlenecks are frequent.

Sparkrock 365 solves these challenges and plenty more.

At Sparkrock 365, we create and deploy cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software designed specifically for the needs of human services.

Download Your Guide

Are you ready to spark change?

With Sparkrock 365, you'll have the tools to manage your finances and workforce more efficiently so you can focus on what you do best. Go from paper-based processes to intelligent online workflows, and access the data you need to make a real difference in your community.
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